We offer free returns on all orders!
How to Process a Free Return
To initiate a return, please follow these steps:
- Register your return on our portal here
- Provide your order number with the # and your email address.
- Select the item(s) you’d like to return along with the reason for the return.
- Choose whether you’d like to return, exchange or receive store credit for your item(s).
- Select the shipping method & take your order to be shipped!
Simply select the new size when submitting your return and we will ship the new item out to you. Please note that exchanges come at a cost of $4.99 ☺️ Exchanges can only be made for a different size of the same item, not a completely different item.
How long will my return take to process?
We aim to process all returns/exchanges within 7-10 working days of us receiving the goods back in our studio, however in some busy periods this may take longer. We will do our best to process them as soon as possible for you.
Items not able to be returned
Due to hygienic purposes we do not refund or exchange any earrings.
Faulty items
If you received a faulty or incorrect item, please accept our apologies for any inconvenience it may cause. Please inform us within 14 days from receipt of the item and we will rectify the issue as quickly as possible. Please email heythere@sixstories.co.uk providing images of the item.